Kryštof Čejchan

Welcome to my personal website! I am thrilled to present to you my very own webpage. This site serves as a platform to showcase my skills, portfolio, projects, certifications, education, as well as share my open-source projects with the world! From my latest projects to my professional certifications, you'll find it all here. I have a passion for Back-End and Mobile App Developer who's constantly seeking new opportunities to grow and develop my skills. I hope you will find my site informative and engaging, and I invite you to connect with me to learn more about me and my work.
Thank you for stopping by!

About me

About me


Kryštof Čejchan




  • Java / C#
  • Dart
  • TypeScript


  • Spring Boot
  • Angular
  • Flutter


  • MySQL
  • MS SQL
  • SQLite

Other technologies

  • GitHub
  • Git


  • Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer
  • Oracle Cloud Data Management
  • IT Essentials


Air Data Measurement


  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • TypeScript
  • Angular
  • C++
  • Arduino
  • MySQL

This full-stack open-source application is used to measure temperature, humidity, and air quality using Arduinos and connected sensors and chips. Data is measured every 30 minutes and stored in a MySQL database through a Spring Boot back-end. Users can view the latest data, data history, rankings, graphs, and even weather forecasts through a web application written in HTML5, SCSS, and Typescript using the Angular framework.

Visit the APP!

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Weather Lite Library


  • Java
  • Maven
  • GPG

A Java Library for better and easier worldwide Weather data including current condition, forecast, location info etc.

Visit the APP!

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